I taught communication courses at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), a renowned Australian university, from 2009 - 2016. I have a graduate certificate in higher education learning and teaching at RMIT. I taught undergraduate communication and contextual courses including Communication Research & Evaluation, Theories of Communication & Persuasion, Modern Asia, Mass Media in Asia, Communication Histories and Technologies, Communication & Social Relations, and Public Relations (All classes at RMIT, except for professional Vietnamese, are taught in English).
From Fall 2016 - 2019 I taught Interpersonal Communication (COMM1500) and Empirical Research Methods in Communication (COMM3700) at the University of Geogia, an R1 school in the US. Starting Fall 2020, I teach a graduate seminars related to Health Communication at Georgia State University.
With GSU students (Georgia State University, 2023).
With UGA students (University of Georgia, 2019).
With RMIT students (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technologies, 2011).