In addition to my academic publications, I have authored or co-authored several technical reports that have had a real-world impact. For example, Oxfam used our research report about media stereotyped perceptions of female leadership in training courses provided to journalists and partners. The Oxfam website shows that the report has been downloaded and shared about a thousand times. 

Professional Reports

Vu, H. T., Duong, H. T., Lee, T. T., & Barnett, B. & (2017). Gender stereotypes against female leaders in the Vietnamese media. Oxfam International. 

Duong, H. T. (2010). Using communication theories in mine-risk education campaigns: The case of Vietnam. James Madison University: Center for International Stabilization and Recovery. 

Duong, H. T. (2009). Road traffic injuries beyond statistics: The case of Vietnam. The Asia Injury  Prevention Foundation. 

Duong, H. T. & Viet, L. (2006). A study of Knowledge-Attitudes-Practices-Beliefs of people in Quang Tri province towards the dangers of landmines and unexploded ordnances. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. 

Duong, H. T. (2005). Poverty and war legacy: A case study. James Madison University: Center for International Stabilization and Recovery. 

Duong, H. T. and colleagues (2002). Survey report: Landmine incidents and Knowledge – Attitudes - Practices of people in Quang Tri province. UNICEF. 


Professional Conference Presentations

March 2008: 9th World Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Merida, Mexico (WHO & CDC): Presenting the research on using communication theories in mine risk education campaigns.

April 2006: 8th World Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Durban, South Africa (WHO & CDC): Presenting the results of the Knowledge – Awareness –Practice (KAP) and landmine victim survey.

June 2004: 7th World Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Vienna, Austria (WHO & CDC): Presenting the results of the UNINCEF landmine impact survey.


International Technical Guideline Contribution

The Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (2009). Linking mine action and development: Guidelines for mine/ERW operators, Geneva, Switzerland.