

Welcome to my website. I am Hue Duong, Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication, Georgia State University, Atlanta, U.S. I received my doctoral degree in Communication from the University of Georgia, USA. Prior to that, I was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Northern Iowa and a lecturer at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT -- Australian university).

I have over 16 years of professional experience, working in areas related to grassroots community development, risk education campaigns, impact surveys, capacity building, higher education teaching and research. I worked in various projects funded by United Nations and International Non-government Organizations (NGOs). 

At Georgia State University, I conduct original research related to health communication, communication theories, media effect and message effect, child violence prevention, tobacco control, and development communication. 

This is a personal website and it entirely and only reflects my own stories through my scientific research and media stories.